Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Cute Is What We Aim For accused of plagiarizing art

Design company Alphabet Arm has accused the band Cute Is What We Aim For (Fueled By Ramen) of plagiarizing art they had designed for the Counting Crows.

According to the designers:

"at the beginning of last year, Cute Is What We Aim For’s management contacted us about doing some merch designs for the band. They informed us the band liked our work, namely a design we did for Counting Crows back in 2004 or 2005 (That design has since been published in a few books, namely Logo Lounge 3 + Letterhead and Logo Design 9 from Rockport Press).

After some back and forth over pricing we were informed they were going to concentrate on the merch design in-house and contact us later. We never heard anything back."

A comparison of the art can be seen here:

In my opinion this looks awfully similar to The Submarines album art as well.

1 comment:

The Only Ghost said...

If this is copyright infringement, I must be a lizard. Yes, they are both butterflies. Yes, they are both multi-colored. Yes, they are band logo' what? The design has very different textures along the outside of the wings, namely where they taper and curve back in, to form the next wing. Not to mention the colors are totally skewed on each and really, the counting crows utilized more of solid color scheme than the more atmospheric touch that CIWWAF used in their design. The first logo re-uses the same colors for objects throughout the whole design, while the second image has a flowing use of color, which melts and bends into the other colors, instead of each item being represented by an individual color. While the differences can easily be seen, I think if you were to accuse this of plagarism, we need to also accuse basically every band in the world of it. Once in a while, designs will resurface themselves in convenient forms of other designs, which may even be the basis for the new design. People re-use ideas in new forms. Thats called progress. People take what was good and improve upon it. How can we fault people for taking a good idea and making it better? So, the colors? the actual designs inside the butterfly? The shape? Come on, now. And while I agree that this design may be a little too close for comfort, and since the band DID contact the same studio that produced the first logo, an arguement can be said for both sides with relative ease. I just think that with such easily notable differences, we can see that there are much better instances of people EXACTLY copying someone else's work, while this may be directly (and yes, its kinda shady) linked to the previous image, the new butterfly design clearly has design elements which differentiate it from the Counting Crows logo. And on a final note, I dont like CIWWAF or the Counting Crows too much, so dont think i'm jumping on this side of the arguement for personal preferencs. Just callin' it like I see it.

-DJ Reidiculous