Thursday, June 26, 2008

New Copyright Act could be a pain in the ass

The Shawn Bentley Orphan Works Act looks to change existing copyright law for the worse. With backers like Google and Microsoft you know it will be in the "best interest" of the people. The new act makes it so one must search online registries (created by private companies) before you can register a copyright. The loophole is that if the copyright does not appear in the registry you chose to use, then you are free to use the material (even though it may appear in a different registry). A more clear and comprehensive article on this can be found at Crafting a Green World.


The Only Ghost said...

You have really good people working for you, searching the trenches of the internet for relevant and exciting articles about rock...and law. This is one of those articles.

The Only Ghost said...

and what's really messed up is that artists now have very little ground to stand on to negotiate their prices for using their intellectual property. If this bill goes through, people who create art and music will be greatly affected in a negative way, at the hands of these private companies, such as Google and Microsoft, who, as well, run these search engines that you would have to use.